Hi! I'm a software engineer from Vancouver currently building the future of biotech.

Recent projects

Atlas One Digital Securities is Canada's first private equity investment platform. Built using React, TS, Node, PSQL. Raised over $20M+ capital on the platform.
Atlas One Digital Securities
Dodge Data & Analytics is a leading construction CRM serving billions of dollars in projects worldwide. Built next generation Single-Page Apps in Angular, Redux, TS, C# .NET.
Dodge Data & Analytics
Vial TrialOS makes running a clinical trial easy and more efficient by leveraging technology.
Eatee Project

A little about me

I'm a software engineer, materials scientist, bookworm, musician and coffee addict from Vancouver, BC. I enjoy working at the intersection of technology and science to make the world a better place.

I graduated with a BASc in Materials Engineering from the University of British Columbia (UBC Vancouver) where I participated in Boden Ball Hockey, UBC A Cappella, UBC Supermileage and Materials Undergraduate Society (MUS).

You can check out my work on GitHub and connect with me on LinkedIn.

What I've been working on

I'm currently working on building the future of biotech at Vial as a Software Engineering Lead. I've contributed towards building an end-to-end technology driven platform to bring therapeutic treatments to market.

Previously, I was employee #5 at Atlas One Digital Securities in Vancouver. We wore a lot of hats to build Canada's first private equity investment platform. We raised over $20M+ on the platform in under two years.

I was also a software developer at Dodge Data & Analytics. Dodge is the leading construction CRM In the world and I helped grow their next generation of web products using Angular, Redux and TypeScript.

Many other projects and hackathons (nwHacks, Hatching Health, xdHacks). Love building and networking with like minded technologist building the future.

Engineering should be minimal

I don't have a degree in Computer Science but it didn't stop me from pursuing a career in technology. I believe engineering requires a general problem solving approach from first principles.

I graduated from Materials Engineering at UBC Vancouver, before working as a software engineer at high-growth startups. This involved learning fast and wearing a lot of hats.

Each day I challenge myself to be a little bit better than yesterday and I believe that it is by continuous improvement you can achieve great things.